Mold Zero

Mold Zero provides services with water damage restoration as well as mold/black mold removal, & home remediation in the Tampa, FL area.


Mold Zero was running google ads and was spending about $12,000/Month. They were generating about 30 appointments a month from that ad spend at $400/Appointment.

We found that they were targeting the whole country and had been wasting about 30% of their ad spend ($3600) on other states that they weren't located in nor servicing. We ddded technology to filter out bots, competitors and bad actors from the traffic they were paying for which saved another 38% ($4600/month). Then we reworked the ads Moved the wasted budget into new campaigns between brand awareness and more search campaigns.

What We Did

What Happened

The number of appointments doubled without increasing ad spend at all. The cost per appointment went down 

to $200/Appointment. We increased appointments from all sources due to increased brand awareness.

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